What do you mean by railway station ? classification, requirements, different types of yards in railways

A railway station is defined as a place where trains are stopped for the exchange of passengers, goods and for control of train movement.


A railway station is provided to serve the following purposes:
(g) For exchange of passenger and goods
(h) For control of train movements
(i) For taking fuels and water for locomotives
G) For exchanging g engines and running staff
(k) To allow trains to cross from opposites directions on a single track
(1) For attaching and removing wagons and compartments

Railway station 
                                              Railway station 

classification of Railway Station based on operational characteristics.

According to operational characteristics railway stations are of the following types:

(a) Block Station
(b) Non Block station
(c) Special Class station

Block station: A place on a railway line where permission to approach and authority to proceed are granted is known as a block station.

These stations are placed at the end of block sections and are equipped with signals to indicate the limits of block sections.

Block stations are of the following types:
(2) Class A stations
(3) Class B stations
(4) Class C stations

Class A stations: In this, the permissions to the trains is given to approaching only after the line is cleared up to a distance of 400 m beyond the home signals. The minimum signals requirement of class A stations is

  • Home signals
  • Wamer Signals
  • Starter Signals

Class B stations: In this class, permission to a train to approach is given when the line is cleared to an adequate distance beyond the outer signals.

The minimum signal requirements of class B stations are the outer signals. The minimum signals requirements of class B stations

(a) Outer signals
(b) Home signals
(c) Starter signals

Class C stations: it acts as block huts where no trains are liable to stop. These block stations are used to split long block stations so that the distance between successive trains is reduced.

The minimum signals requirement of class C stations is

(a) Home signals
(b) Warner signal

Non Block stations: The stations situated between two consecutive block stations are called nonblock stations.

These are also called class D or Flag stations. Non block stations are neither telegraphically connected with any adjacent block stations nor have any signals or staff control the movement of trains.

Special Class Stations: Special class stations are stations which are not covered under class A, B, C, and D.

Classification of railway station 

What are the requirements of railways stations?


  • Public requirement
  • Traffic staff and police requirement
  • Traffic requirements
  • Requirements of locomotives
  • Requirements for the development of railway
  • A booking office for issuing tickets to the passenger
  • Arrangements for the booking of goods
  • Passenger and good platform with or without sheds
  • Name boards of the stations
  • Waiting rooms
  • Proper arrangements for drinking water
  • Bathroom with the sanitary arrangement
  • An inquiry office
  • Staff rooms
  • Provisions of big boards for a schedule of trains.


What are the various points to be kept in mind while selecting A site for railway station?

The following points should be considered:

  • The station site should be close to the town or village to be served.
  • The station site should have fairly level ground.
  • The station site should be situated on the straight portion of the track.,
  • The station site should have good approach roads connecting the nearby town.or village,
  • The station site should provide a good drainage facility.
  • The station site should fulfill the civil as well as military requirements.
  • The station site should provide amenities like drinkable water, electricity, etc.
  • The availability of a sufficient quantity of drinkable water from the nearby water source is very essential.
  • Sufficient land area for the provision of a single track or double track, additional lines, station building, platforms, staff quarters, and for future development of the station, should be available at the site.
What are the stations yard?  different types of yards in railways

Station yards are systems of track laid within limits for various purposes like receiving, storing. making up trains etc. over which movement of trains is controlled by prescribed rules, regulations,s and signals.

Types yards railways

1. Passenger yards: the main function of the passenger yard are to provide facilities for the convenience of passengers. These yards are important at the terminal and junctions stations where extra passenger bogies are accommodated and cleaning, washing or strong is done.

Following are the main requirements of passenger yard:

  • Ticket booking office, enquiry office, cloak room, and luggage booking room.
  • Signals for receiving both up and down trains
  • Space for receiving both up-down trains
  • Signals for the departure of trains
  • Facilities for passing a through train at full speed without any interference
  • Sufficient numbers of passengers platform
  • Sufficient number of sidings with platform
  • Facilities for changing of trains batteries
  • Space for parking all sorts of vehicles outside the stations

2. Good yards: The main function of goods yards is to provide proper facilities for the movement of the movement of the good train and for receiving, loading, unloading of goods.

Goods yards are provided in all stations except flag stations.

Following are the main requirements of a good yard:

a. Good platform for loading and uploading of goods
b. Approach roads to each platform for the movement of trucks.
c. Sufficient number of godowns for storing goods
d. Cranes for loading and unloading of heavy goods
e. Weighing machine for weighing the goods
f. Loading gauge to check the height and width of loaded wagon
g. Booking office for booking of goods

3. Marshalling yards: those yards where trains are received sorted out new trains formed and dispatched onwards.

These are provided at important junction stations which act as a distributed centers for various destinations.

Marshaling yards are very costly in construction and maintenance.

The main functions of a marshaling yard are the following:

  • Reception
  • Sorting
  • Departure

The following are the drawbacks of marshaling yard:

  • Traffic congested at the approach to the yard due to continuous shunting work in the yard
  • Delay in transits of wagons
  • Damage of wagons while shunting

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