Last updated on May 15th, 2024 at 10:45 am
Define the term doors?
The arrangements made to provide free and easy access inside and outside the rooms of a building are called doors. These are usually made of timber and may also be consisting of plywood, wire gauge, steel frame, etc. They may have one or two leaves or shutters.
The doors with one shutter are known as single-leafed doors and are used for small openings. Doors with double shutters or leaves are called double-leafed doors and are used for larger openings.

What is location of a door and also list some technical terms related to it ?
Doors should be located in such a way that free movement in and out of the buildings in ensured. To fulfil this object and other purposes of providing doors in buildings, the following factors should be considered:
a) Doors should preferably be located at a distance of about 200mm from the corner of a room.
b) Doors should preferably be located in the opposite walls in case the room is to be provided with more than door so as to have good ventilation in the room.
c) Doors should be located keeping in view also the interior decoration of the room.
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Following are the technical terms related to doors and windows are:
1. Frame: An enclosure to provide support for door or window shutters is called frame. It is made from well seasoned wood. Head and sill are morticed to take the tenon formed at the ends of the vertical posts.
2. Head: The top horizontal member of a door or window frame is called head.
3. Sill: The bottom horizontal member of a door and window is called a sill. The sill member in case of a door frame is usually omitted these days so as to provide free movements inside and outside the rooms of a building.
4. Posts: The vertical side members of a door and window frame are called posts.
5. Shutter: The framework of planks or steel members panelled, glazed or otherwise, which fits in a door or window frame is known as shutter or leaf. The term, shutter is generally used for framework which can be slided or rolled, and the term leaf is used for framework of planks fixed to the frame.
6. Styles or stiles: The vertical side members of frame work of a shutter are called styles. The style hung or hinged to the frame is called hanging or hinged style and style not hung to the frame is called meeting style.
7. Top rall: The top most horizontal member of the framework of a shutter is known as top rail.
8. Lock rall: The middle horizontal member of the framework of the shutter where sliding bolt is provided for lock is called as lock rail.
9. Bottom rail: The lowermost horizontal piece or member of the framework of a shutter is known as the bottom rail.
10. Reveals: The portions of the sides of a door or window opening extending beyond the framework towards face of the wall are called reveals.
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