Different types of wooden stairs 

Different types of wooden stairs

The stairs which consist of wooden members are known as wooden stairs. These stairs consist of various members such as strings or stringers, treads, risers, etc. Treads and risers are jointed together by tongued and grooved joints, which are further housed in or fixed to the strings to form steps of flights.

The size of wooden members to be used as stringers should not be less than 250 x 28m thick. The thickness of planks for treads should not be less than 32mm and that for risers 16mm. If nosing is provided, its projection should be 15mm and not more than the thickness of tread in any case. The nosing may be suitably finished by providing scota
under the projection or by some other ornamental mouldings.

Different types of wooden stairs
                                           Different types of wooden stairs

Suitability: These stairs are generally used as straight flight stairs in case of ordinary buildings. They are also used as quarter-turn, half turn or geometrical stairs where a good quality of wood is easily and cheaply available.

The different types of wooden stairs are as follows:

a) Stringers: They provide support to the steps. There are different types of stringers as discussed below:

i. Closed or housed stringers: the stringer which encloses the steps of a stair is known as closed or housed stringers. This type of stringer projects 50 to 80mm above the line of nosing. Their slope is parallel to the slope of the stair Grooves are cut in them to retrieve the treads and risers,

ii. Open or cut stringers: The outer stringer cut according to the profile of treads and risers is known as open or cut stringer. These stringers approve the appearance of
the stair case.

9 types of wooden stairs

iii. Rough stringers: The stringers which provides intermediate support to the steps is known as rough stringer. These stringers are used when width of the wooden stair exceeds 1m. They are also used in the form of inclined wooden pieces and are also called carriers or bearers.

iv. Wreathed stringers: The stringers used in geometrical wooden stairs are known as wreathed stringers. These stringers are of similar shape in plan as that of the stair to be constructed.

b) Balusters: these are short vertical members provided between the stringer and the hand rail of a star. They are mostly made of wood and are placed 80 to 100mm apart Sometimes, bronze or similar metal balusters are also used. Solid balusters can also be used which are constructed of lamin boards.

c) Newel posts or newels: These posts are provided at the start, turning and ending points of a stair to connect hand rail and the string into a solid frame. These are heavy in section and may be square, moulded or curved in shape.

d) Hand rall: This is either rounded or moulded and is fixed to the newels and balusters, parallel to the string at a convenient height. Its size and shape should enable an easygrip by the users.

e) Winders: Quarter or half turn wooden stairs are sometimes provided with winders in place of quarter or half space landing. In such a case, winders are supported by bearers or carriers which are housed into the newel post and the wall string.

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