Planning is the basic need of any building construction project and proper execution is important to maintain theplanning of the project roles and responsibilities of architects.


For any project, roles and responsibilities of Architects, as an authorized agency, are required for the planning of the buildings.He also fulfills government formalities before and after the commencement of the work.

Certain major projects require different consultants for expert practical advice in planning and execution for successful project completion, in coordination with the various agencies involved.


Today, construction activities have become complicated due to the advanced and modern requirements of the project. Every activity, beginning with planning is worked out in detail. 
Hence, experienced and expert personnel are needed to plan and coordinate diverse activities as per the specifications and requirements of the project. Every project faces some problems that can be solved adroitly by experienced individuals Consultants’ roles and responsibilities of architects.

Major projects require the services of consultants for specified jobs and items. Consultants can suggest techniques for construction, execution, and management aspects of the project and aid in successful execution at a minimum cost.

Role of architect in building process Pdf Download Link Below



  1. To understand the requirements of the project from the client.
  2. Preparation of the initial sketches and drawings for approvals.
  3. Guidelines for the preparation of brochures selling plans.
  4. Preparation of municipal drawings with area calculations as per the Municipal Government authority bye-laws.
  5. Submitting plans and obtaining N.O.C. from the drainage department, road department, and other departments.
  6. Obtaining drawing sanctions from Municipal Authorities for layouts and buildings.
  7. Submission of record plans/drawings to Municipal Authorities.
  8. Compiling all the drawings and preparing a detailed working drawing which is totally self-explanatory in all respects, stating all specifications, sizes, and levels as per the list and details.
  9. Visit the execution work periodically, to solve any queries raised by the site engineer/contractor.
  10. Visit the site to inspect and certify the quality and workmanship of every construction activity.


N.O.C., clearance, and suggestions from the Architect is essential for


  1. Preliminary line-out and building settings of the entire project.
  2. Line-out of each building up to plinth.
  3. Concreting of each and every slab.
  4. Staircase checking up to the first slab.
  5. Line-out for all development work and other structures.
  6. Elevation treatment samples of work at every new stage.
  7. Samples of work for all finishing items.
  8. Design, specifications, and approval for sample windows, doors, etc.
  9. Approval for an internal and external color scheme.
  10. Any changes in the drawings, alterations in the existing structure proposed structure.
  11. Drawing revisions and changes as per the requirements in sketches, plans. working drawings, presentation plans, and obtaining revised municipal approval.
  12. All working drawings to be submitted before the commencement of the project.
  13. Various drawing categories should be properly divided e.g. electrical flooring/development etc.
  14. To give the preliminary estimates before the commencement of the project.
  15. To check the actual layout of the project/each building at the site.
  16. To prepare and give the perspective of the project.
  17. To decide and give the total color scheme of the project, for
  18.  and exteriors of the building.
  19. To arrange the visits of municipal corporation officials.

Commencement of work of Architects

  • Plinth checking
  • Part completion full completion
  • Drainage approvals
  • Other approvals
  1. Submission and fulfillment of all the documentary requirements of a municipal corporation/government authorities. Calculations of tax assessment.
  2. Calculations of the fees and charges to be paid to various government authorities, under various heads until the completion of the project.
  3. Preparation of tender documents, calling tenders, selection of contractors, and various agencies. Certify the interim payments of contractors at various stages of work.
  4. Suggest material specifications to be used for construction work.
  5. Settle the disputed bills of the contractors.
  6. Attend meetings with the contractors, other consultants, and government authorities.
  7. Give guidelines for practical working techniques employed at the site.
  8. Recommend new techniques and new materials available in the market.
  9. Prepare the models of buildings/projects.
  10. Give the detailed drawings for the changes as per the extra amenities demanded by the clients.



  • Work out complete R.C.C. design based on strata and the architectural working drawings. and issue detailed R.C.C. drawings for all members of the R.C.C framework construction.
  • Periodic site visits for checking of strata. footings, reinforcement as being placed at the site, and issuing certificates for the proceeding rectification of the work.
Responsibilities structural consultant
                                     Responsibilities structural consultant


Re-adjustment of R.C.C. designs as per the revised requirements of the client as and when required.

  • Visit the site, as and when requested, for checking the quality of the concrete already laid.
  • Estimate the total requirement of the structural steel for completion of the R.C.C. work.
N.O.C. and clearance from the structural consultant is required for


  1. Inspection of the trial pits and note the bearing capacity of the available strata.
  2. Checking of strata for footing pits, basement before laying foundation P.C.C.
  3. Checking of reinforcement at every stage of concreting such as columns, slabs, lofts, chajjas, etc.
  4. Checking of critical footings concreting, raft concreting, mass or high grade, and any other concreting at plinth level.
  5. Checking for precautionary measures for work near existing structures.
  6. Checking of old existing structures for the stability of the proposed extension on top.
  7. Checking of plinth filling, before floor P.C.C.
  8. Checking of retaining walls before filling retaining material.
  9. Checking of O.H.W.T., U.G.W.T., swimming pool, and basement work for reinforcement at every stage of work 1.e. raft, Pardi, slab, etc.
  10. Inspection of any damaged work, failure, certifications, and N.O.C. for the same.
  11. Inspection of expansion joints and the treatment thereof.
  12. The structural consultant should give details of critical structures as and when required like.
  • Lift shaft bottom slab
  • Machine foundations
  • Slab on nalla culvert
  • M.S. staircase/ladders
  • Decorative towers, floating columns, etc.
  • Decorative R.C.C. grills
  • Lightweight masonry
  • Critical water-proofing of the structure
  • Details for expansion joints

After completion of work, the structural consultant should give a stability certificate of the project to government authorities or clients.



  1. A plumbing consultant is a civil engineer with a license to carry out the plumbing work. He should possess actual field experience with proper know-how of plumbing and sanitation work. 
  2. Work responsibilities may be listed as follows –
  3. To coordinate the activities of the plumbing work with ongoing construction works.
  4. To provide all necessary drawing details as per the rules and regulations of local authorities regarding water supply systems, internal piping, details of all plumbing and sanitary fittings, general drainage disposal layout, stormwater drainage details, septic tank details, U.G.W.T. and O.H.W.T. details, boosting system details, etc.
  5. To carry out the leveling work, decide the final levels of the proposed roads and buildings plinths.
  6. To propose and to get sanctions from Municipal Authorities regarding necessary plumbing and sanitation arrangements.
  7. To collect N.O.C. from proper authorities for the completed work.
  8. To maintain the quality of the work in progress.
  9. To issue certificates about quality of workmanship after testing and checking of G.I. lines at the required pressure for each stage and C.I.,  P.V.C., and other lines for alignment, level, plumb, and leakages.
  10. To give the pump details required for water supply as per market availability.
Responsibilities Plumbing consultant
Responsibilities Plumbing consultant
  • To give all required plumbing details for the filtration plant of the swimming pool.
  • To prepare ‘as-built (record) drawings as per the actual work done at the site.
  • To specify and to advise as regards the quality of the materials to be used.
  • To specify the standard norms for testing of each material.
  • Approval for selection of the plumbing contractor.
  • Regular site. visits until completion of the project.
  • Introduction of new concepts and systems as per the latest developments in the plumbing field at national and international levels.
  1. After the finalization of the plinth and parking levels of the building.
  2. After finalization of all working drawings approved by the plumbing consultant for positions of all the structures in development work with respect to constructing all stormwater and drainage arrangements.
  3. For the work of sewer line to be laid in and out of premises.
  4. For the testing of concealed G.I. line work before concealing them.
  5. For the testing of open G.I. line network.
  6. After the first bathroom, w.c., toilet, kitchen. plumbing, work arrangement as a sample unit for the quality of work, R.L. of each unit, work procedure, material specification, etc.
  7. For checking the standards of the materials received at the site.
  8. For the approval of appointed plumbing contractors.
  9. For vertical stacks in various ducts of buildings.
  10. For lead joints and other joints in all piping work.
  11. Ground drainage network, all manholes, and chambers.
  12. Invert levels of the septic tank.
  13. Construction of septic tank and soak pit.
  14. Storm water work systems for the entire project.
  15. Terrace G.I. line work.
  16. O.H.W.T./U.G.W.T. inlet, outlet connections, and respective R.L.’s.
  17. Pumping detail specifications, quality, head, H.P., and other details as per requirement.


  1. Studying the project from the brochure and R.C.C. and architectural working drawings.
  2. Coordination of all these drawings in addition to electrical installation drawing given by an architectural firm in Pune and to finalize locations of all fixtures in consultation with the client and the Architect.
  3. Necessary follow up with the ‘Electricity Board for obtaining quotations as well as individual and common electricity meters for all the units of the project.
  4. Preparing the statement of flat owners/shop holder for the deposits to the electricity board as per the F.Q./S.L.C. charges (This statement should be submitted to the clients for collection of the said amounts from flat owners).
  5. Submit the layout drawings of the electrical cable distribution system from L.T. room to feeder pillars and from feeder pillars to meter boxes of all the buildings, along with details of underground piping and lengths of the cables.
The details of services to be provided by the electric consultant are as below


  • Study of the total required load based on the data of various facilities to be provided for different rooms in different phases (single-phase, three-phase).
  • Visits to the site for deciding the possible routes/areas for the proposed distribution of power supply.
  • Discussions with Electricity Board authorities for possibilities of having an overhead underground combination of both for power distribution system up to the project premises.
  • Based on the above data he should work out Basic power requirements.
  • Groups and subgroups of various loads for best performance at optimum costs.
  • Prepare a single-line diagram based on the above information.
  • Finalize the numbers and locations of the L.T. substations after technical, economical, and aesthetic considerations.
  • Prepare a detailed substation layout with all the details as required by the Electricity Board for approval.
  • Apply for power supply to the Electricity Board with all required documents, drawings to support the demand.
  • Follow-up with the Electricity Board for getting approvals.
  • Calculate the ratings and basic specifications of major electrical equipment like.
  • 11 K.V./22 K.V., Transformers.
  • 415 V main panels.
  • Street lighting poles and fittings.
  • Overhead 11 K.V. line equipment.
  • Overhead 415 V line equipment.
  • L.T. distribution pillar posts.
  • 1.T. cables sizes and types etc.
  • To present the budget estimated cost of the system (phase wise) to the client.

Follow up with the Electricity Board authorities and other related local authorities like the Grampanchayat to get temporary electric meters for the project.

Prepare a detailed line diagram showing power distribution from the Electricity Board supply up to the consumer point.

Prepare detailed layout drawings for

  • L.T. substation.
  • H.T. overhead or underground distribution.
  • lines (outside the premises).
  • L.T. overhead and underground distribution.
  • lines (inside the premises).
  • Street lighting.

Special drawings related to.

  1. Tennis court lighting.
  2. Basketball ground lighting.
  3. Garden lighting
  4. Recreation facilities.
  5. Lighting details for the swimming pool.
  6. Water pumping system-electrical requirements.
  7. Earthing layout diagrams for all areas. 
  8. Road crossing positions for linking electrical and other cables with the other side of the road.
  9. Prepare a cable schedule.
  10. Prepare specifications and bills for materials of major electrical equipment.
  11. Prepare tenders.
  12. Assist in procurement and finalization of the electrical contractor for the above works (This Includes pre-qualification of contractor/, supplier, issue of tender notices, discussions, and clarifications. tender analysis and recommendations, preparation of the detailed order, both technical and commercial).
  13. Inspection of materials supplied, by the contractor.
  14. Inspection of the work carried out, bill approvals, and periodical supervision of ongoing works.
  15. Assist the management of electrical parts of the project. This may include.
  • Weekly Monthly site co-ordination meetings
  • Bar charts and reviews of the same contractor.
  • Highlighting the management of critical activities and the status of other activities.

Prepare ‘as-built’ (record) drawings for the actual work done at the site.


  • Certify the availability and requirement of the internal road area with respect to the project area.
  • Mark alignment of the roads on layout drawings.
  • Suggest the type of road to be constructed with respect to the soil strata and other geographical conditions.
  • Study the topography and contour survey of the project for deciding the levels of the roads.
  1. Give drawing details as follows
  2. R.L’s. of the total road length.
  3. L section of total road length and cross-section at various intervals as per requirements.
  4. Working out the detailed quantities of various items involved in road work.
  5. Detailed working drawings for the portion of the road over nalla crossing along with constructional details of culvert retaining walls, road slab, etc.
  6. Details of rainwater gutters cross drainage works, piping works, drainage works. the manhole cover and inspection chamber positions etc. related to the road work.
  7. Decide the locations of stormwater drains. cross-sectional details etc. after considering surface drainage slopes of the road.
  8. Visit the site during the progress of work and certify completion of different road lengths for quality, proper slopes, workmanship, etc.
  9. Discussions with site engineers for solving practical problems that arise during road construction work.
  10. Give details of maintenance work needed in the future.
  11. Give N.O.C. for payments to road work contractor after completion of road work.
  12. Mark locations of electrical poles and tree plantations along the road.
  13. Design the stormwater drains along and across the road, in consultation with the plumbing consultant.
  14. Check the specifications of the material to be used.
  15. Check the required consumption of materials.
  16. Correspond with government authorities for approach roads, nalla crossing, culvert construction, filling, etc.
  1. The layout of the road on site.
  2. Approval of the materials before work.
  3. All. underground conduits and drainage lines.
  4. Filling. compaction, levels, thickness, slopes, etc.
  5. Bitumen quantity in kg/sq.m. used for the work of semi-grouting, carpet and seal coat, Final compaction and levels, etc.
  6. Give the ‘as-built (drawings) of road layout for record purposes.



  1. Decide the type of waterproofing treatments for various works in the project.
  2. Prepare the drawings of each type of waterproofing treatment, showing stage-wise details thickness, quality of material, finishing details, consumption ratio of each material, type, and name of chemicals, etc.
  3. Waterproofing work details of expansion joints.
  4. Detailed specifications of the materials to be used for waterproofing work.
  5. Suggestions on critical stages/problems in the Electricity Board waterproofing work.
  6. Attend to complaints of leakages in waterproofing work for the entire project.
  7. Selection of waterproofing contractor, finalizing terms and conditions of agreements with him.
  8. Periodic visits during the progress of work
  9. Certify bills of the contractor at various stages and settlement of the final bills.
  10. Suggest remedies for the leakages in the old structure.


Give N.O.C. for following waterproofing work stages
  1. After completion of the base coat, spout fixing, and growing.
  2. After laying brickbat Coba before final finishing.
  3. After finishing the final testing by flooding with water for a minimum of seven days.
  4. Rough shahabad work before doing finishing over shahabad.
  5. After pressure grouting.
  6. For the quality of material to be used for waterproofing work.
  7. After the rectifications of critical leakage problems.
  8. Prepare reports about the progress of work, quality of work, time schedule, difficulties in execution, etc, after every visit and submitting the same to the Head Office.



  • Study the layout of the entire project.
  • Decide and plan for landscaping work considering every corner of the project.
  • Decide the stages of work for gardening and plantation, according to the project work program.
  • Prepare detailed drawings for landscaping work including the position of playground equipment. types of trees, sandpits construction details, and details of structure to be constructed for various arrangements.
  1. Prepare a stage-wise estimate for landscaping work.
  2. Give details of landscaping in the project.
  3. Suggest the types of various trees/bushes/ lawns for different locations.
  4. Arrange for the quotations and approvals of there acquired materials and plants.
  5. Check the quality of plants brought at the site before plantation.
  6. Appoint gardeners.
  7. Suggest the manures, pesticides, and fertilizers are used at various stages as per the age and type of plants.
  8. Periodic visits to the site and detailed supervision of the work and guidance to the gardener.
  9. Design the water supply arrangements to gardens at various locations.
  10. Pumping equipment, pumps, and electricity supply arrangements including design of lighting systems and it’s arrangements.
  11. Provision for draining of the water from garden/fountain etc.
  12. Design and drawings for a fountain with all details and estimates.
  13. Maintenance of all gardening/fountain work.
  14. Arrange agencies for the maintenance contract.
  15. Arrange for the safety of plants, trees along the road, compound wall, etc.
  16. Co-ordination with the architect, structural consultant, and other consultants for drawings and designs of all civil work involved in the gardening and landscaping work.
  17. Prepare the visit report and submit the same to Head-Office about the progress of work, growth of plants, difficulties, changes, etc.



  • Suggest a proper location for the swimming pool for a project.
  • Specify size, the capacity of the swimming pool as per the total tenements of the project.
  • Consider the source of water for the swimming pool.
  • Comply with the municipal authority rules and regulations regarding the provision of a swimming pool.
  • Take precautions for the surface drainage systems while deciding the location.
  • Give detailed drawings as follows
  • Swimming pool location with respect to the project layout.
  • Necessary filtration plant details.
  • Necessary drainage arrangement details.
  • Necessary plumbing work details.
  • Construction details.
  • Consider health aspects as per the prevailing codes regarding the purity of water, re-use of water, etc.
  • Consider safety measures, provision of life-saving equipment, protective fencing, etc.
  1. Give details of maintenance work needed in further.
  2. Maintenance of swimming pool.
  3. Maintenance of pumps and other equipment.
  4. Maintenance of other facilities provided.
  5. Give details of the other facilities needed such as.
  6. Changing rooms.
  7. Bathing places.
  8. Provision of water sports.
  • Visit the site during construction work and check the quality of work, specifications of material, practical problems, changes, and prepare reports and submit the same to the H.O. after every visit.
  • Fix up the norms for checking and N.O.C. at various stages of construction work.



  1. Design the hidden infrastructure of the TV and telephone cables systematically in the project premises up to the individual unit as per the requirements.
  2. Provide telephone arrangement as per the specific requirement.
  3. C.A.T.V. arrangement of the total project.
  4. Give detailed layout drawing of distribution of cables including the provision of chambers. inspection of chambers, wherever needed, with all constructional details, provision of conduit pipes, and their details with size and quality specifications.  
  5. Give a common layout diagram of horizontal and vertical distribution for each building.
  6. Give details of the standard make of electronic equipment, accessories, cables required for the work.
  7. Consider the provision of cabling, conducting, etc. with respect to roads, water supply, and drainage layout.
  8. Give schematic details of distribution boards and further connections from these to individual units.
  9. Give details of the maintenance work required.
  10. Provide time chart for replacement of equipment, provision of repairs, etc.
  11. Give the location of the dish antenna common TV antenna, structure details.
  12. Work out the stage-wise total estimate for TV and telephone infrastructure work.
  13. Appoint a contractor agency for carrying out TV Telephone work as per the drawings.
  14. Arrange for maintenance contracts with various agencies.
  15. Take necessary approvals from municipal or other government authorities for a complete system.
  16. Coordinate with all agencies involved in the work.
  17. Make periodic site visits to check the workmanship, quality of materials, and progress of work, and submit the report to Head Office AFTER every site visit.
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