Last updated on August 11th, 2024 at 05:45 pm

Building construction organizations managements are important to the development of the nation. They serve the country and society by developing products that are technically advanced construction organizations.

The building construction industry plays a key role in this development, as it provides one of the three basic needs of human life; “A House” to society.

Usually, up to 50% of the total revenue collected by the Government is spent on the construction industry.

A building construction organization managements may consist of an individual contractor or it may be a giant construction organization.

The scope of the work may be limited to constructing a small house or it may extend to the construction of a township of bungalows, rowhouses, and residential apartments.

Whereas the work on a small scale can be handled by an individual, projects with a larger work scope as well as different locations require an organization that can carry out systematic coordination of the various construction aspects by assigning a team of trained personnel.

This team can gìve day-to-day direction to the people on sites as well as in the office.

It can also supervise the job and to complete the work maintaining quality, speed, and economy.

This team is the MANAGEMENT of the organization. The organization is said to be run by it’s management.



The main objectives of building construction can be broadly classified as

  1. Undertaking and carrying out of various building constructions.
  2. Achieving the task through disciplined work and efficient management.
  3. Constructing low-cost housing schemes for the common man.
  4. Developíng financial resources to complete the work in the stipulated time.
  5. Researching and experimenting to discover better and superior construction technology. Preparing model projects to demonstrate minimal wastage of materials and labour, to achieve quality results at a minimum cost using the best practical technology.
  6. Establishing branch agencies for efficient management of the business.
  7. Creating joint ventures through association with other companies.
  8. Material testing and development of new building management techniques for the prosperity of the organization.



An organization develops through a number of stages from foundation to maturity.

Therefore, the structure of the building organization also undergoes changes in tandem with growth. As a norm, the building construction organization is a CENTRALIZED TYPES OF ORGANIZATION.



Here, individual departments such as engineering. finance, purchase, sales, etc., with their Head of the Departments (H.O.D.) report directly to the top management.

Normally, a construction organization consists of the following departments

  1. Engineering department
  2. Purchase department
  3. Finance department
  4. Personnel and Administrative department
  5. Marketing and Sales department
  6. Accounts department
  7. Legal department
  8. Electronic Data Processing (E.D.P.) department


  1. Communicating and explaining the policy decisions to the heads of departments.
  2. Setting definite targets and schedule time for each head of the department after discussion.
  3. Although these targets are to be achieved by individual departments, the activities involved in the completion of the task of one department is always co-related with the activities of the other department e.g.
  4. The purchase department cannot supply the material to the construction division unless the funds are made available by the Finance department.
  5. If the scheduled slab is not cast by the engineering department on time, the sales department cannot demand the due installment from the clients.
  6. Therefore, proper coordination between various departments is essential. This can be achieved with the right communication between the heads of departments through the respective Directors.
  7. The day-to-day information received from the staff aids the head of the department in presenting a clear picture of the progress to the Directors.


  • Survey of various projects.
  • Preparing the plans and drawings as per the requirements of the sales department.
  • Estimating the quantities of work and project cost.
  • Finalizing the specifications as per the sales requirement.
  • Preparing schedule of the work. (bar chart).
  • Preparing material schedule and submitting it to the purchasing department.
  • Preparing financial schedules and submitting it to the finance department.
  • Updating the schedule as and when required.
  • Entrusting the work to various contractors and laborers.
  • Procurement of various materials, tools, and plants as and when required.
  • Execution and supervision of work.
  • Preparing rate analysis for various items and extra amenities.
  • Preparing the bills of various contractors and submitting them to the accounts department for payment.
  • Checking the suppliers’ bills and forwarding them for payment to the accounts department.
  • Maintaining the quality and speed of work.
  • Training the staff for better quality and output.
  • Maintenance of the work executed.
  • Other developments.
  • Finalizing extra amenities for clients.
Functions of the Purchase Department
  • Study of the material schedule submitted by the engineering department.
  • Submitting the requirement of cash flow to the finance department accordingly.
  • Implementing the budget sanctioned in H.O.D’. meeting.
  • Placing an order for material and making it available for the progress of various sites according to their schedule charts.
  • Market survey for new materials and development of new sources of supply.
  • Selection and follow-up for quality materials supply with continuity.
  • Developing good and reliable suppliers and ensuring satisfactory vendor relations.
  • Updating the market rates and information on new products.
  • Keep the Director informed about material developments that might affect the company’s profit.
  • Preparing the annual budget as per policy decision.
  • Allocating the funds to various departments.
  • Arranging for funds through clients, bankers, depositors to achieve the target
  • Reconciliation of utilization of funds.
  • Allocation of funds as per priority.


  • Set the rules and regulations of the organization as per the prevailing Government rules.
  • Allocation of space and furniture to various departments.
  • Encouraging the staff by rewards, appreciations, increments, etc.
  • Submitting various reports to Government and local authorities.
  • Maintaining the musters and payrolls of employees.
  • Arranging functions, tours, training programs for the betterment of the company
  • Encouraging extra.curricular activities.
  • Maintaining the records of leaves and overtime of staff.
  • Maintaining the records of provident fund, gratuity, medical benefits, etc. for all the staff (if any).
  • Surveying and submitting the trend of buyers in the market.
  • To go in search of good locations for the scheme.
  • Manage the publicity and advertising of the company.
  • Give guidelines to the engineering division for preparing the drawings and specifications of various projects, so as to increase their saleability.
  • Prepare and submit the schedule of recovery to the finance department for further planning.
  • Make efforts to turn a client inquiry into a prospective buyer.
  • Selling the schemes (flats) and make a schedule of payments.
  • Prepare and assist the flat owner for the registration of the required documents.
  • Recovery of the payments from clients as per the stages of the agreement.
  • Suggesting/document preparation for loan facilities to the clients.
  • Issue the final possession letter to the client.
  • Make the comparative selling price survey with reference to other organizations and suggest modifications, if required.
  • Prepare accounts and balance sheets.
  • Prepare profit and loss accounts.
  • Make the statements and payments of various taxes to be paid by the company.
  • Get the balance sheet audited by the concerned authority.
  • Keep records of debit/credit for all suppliers/contractors and consultants.
  • Allocation of funds to various departments as per the budgeted provision.
  • Checking of bills as per the terms and conditions of contract/order.
  • Preparing and submitting the periodical statement of accounts to management.
  • Preparing and making payments to the staff.
  • Checking of all the documents of the property.
  • Give title clearance.
  • Prepare legal agreements between the organization and its clients/landlords.
  • Submission of legal documents to the concerned Government authority.
  • Attending and pleading on behalf of the organization in case of any disputes.
  • Formation of societies/apartments.
  • Prepare the sale deed and handing over the completed schemes to societies/apartments.
Selection of appropriate hardware, software for various functional requirements.
Implementing the systems for effective working.
Providing timely and correct information to the management.
Training the staff to use software packages.
Maintenance of all the computer systems in the organization.
Updating the information about advanced computer technologies.
Monthly reporting to the management about the development and progress in the implementation of the systems.


  1. A team of dynamic managers can be instrumental in the progress of the organization. The management is said to be effective when It delegates appropriate tasks, to it’s subordinates.
  2. The job of a manager is to develop leaders, rather than occupy himself with the day-to-day supervision. Training the staff to implement modern techniques in their daily tasks is therefore essential.
  3. The staff can be trained by arranging.
  • Training programs
  • Arranging lectures of specialists
  • Arranging site visits and study tours
  • Ensuring the availability of books in the library
  • Testing new products in the market
  • Checking the updated working knowledge
  • by conducting professionally written tests in the department
  • Implementing a system of rewards and encouragement to the staff for good
  • performance
  • Ensure that the subordinates receive guidance if required
  • Arranging group discussions on various subjects




After delegating the work to the staff, the management must see to it that the work is proceeding as per the schedule and is of the desired quality. The progress of the work may be affected by the following factors.

  • Shortage of labour.
  • Shortage of material
  • Delay due to non-co-operation
  • The inability of the staff to follow the instructions correctly
  • Technical/ practical difficulties experienced by the staff while executing the job as per
  • the schedule/drawing
  • Tight schedules leading to extra work

All these problems can however be dealt with if the management summons a meeting of the concerned staff and discusses the issue in question. Thus meetings are an important activity in the progress of building construction organization managements.


  1. The management can explain the quantum of work, the work schedule and it’s expectations from the staff more effectively.
  2. Direct involvement of the employees in the discussions may lead to the suggestion of new and better ideas to overcome unpredictable difficulties, the loopholes in the working systems, etc.
  3. It is an opportunity for the employees to make the management aware of genuine difficulties.
  4. It helps to plan for the future while recording the present progress.
  5. It helps in coordinating with various departments in a better manner.
  6. It creates a better understanding between the management and staff.
  7. It helps to develop personal relations.
  8. It helps to enhance individual etiquette, manners, and confidence.
  9. It helps in gaining an insight into the activities of different departments.
  10. Trains the staff to become attentive and be totally prepared while attending meetings.
  11. It helps in developing a positive approach towards the organization.

The meeting can be between two individuals or can be held as a general meeting for the
employees and management.

In either case, the following points should be served to make the meeting result-oriented
  • Avoid any interruptions during the meeting.
  • The meeting should be of n short span, as over a period of time people can lose their concentration.
  • Excess meetings indicate a deficient organization.
  • Meetings have to be an exception rather than à rule.
  • When a meeting includes more than eight people, It should proceed according to an agenda.
  • Only one person should speak at a time.
  • Avoid cross-talking between the people attending the meeting.
  • Periodic meetings should be held on a prearranged day, at a fixed time, and at the same venue in order to avoid erratic attendance.
  • Meetings should have a definite agenda and objectives.
  • At the end of the meeting, the chairman should be in a position to summarize the conclusion, which should be in line with the purpose of the meeting.
Meeting of Directors with all heads of departments (H.O.D.) (normally once a month).
  • Review of the last meeting, assignments allocated department-wise, and the results achieved since the last meeting.
  • Measures/actions required for achieving results.
  • Department-wise allocation of work, funds, staff (If any).
  • Solutions for problems and devising of methods to achieve the work.
  • Clarification of any doubts raised by the heads of the department.
  • Coordination is required between heads of departments and determining the definite stages and steps to achieve this.
  • Decisions on administrative problems.
  • Decisions on any new policy or consultancy to be introduced.
  • Policy decisions for maximum output from staff.


For any professional, job satisfaction is a top priority remuneration. This means he looks for mental peace, advanced knowledge, experience, and above all appreciation of work done.
For example, consider a schoolboy helping an old man cross the road. The boy helps the old man only for self-satisfaction. He does not expect any returns. Yet, a ‘pat on the shoulder’ or a word of ‘thanks’ from the old man delights the small boy and his satisfaction ‘level increases multifold. It boosts his helping nature.
  • Punctuality, cleanliness.
  • Maximum attendance throughout the year.
  • Regularity in work.
  • Presentation of work (handwriting, statements, tables, graphs, etc.).
  • Accuracy and speed of work.
  • Devotion and hard work.
  • General behavior and relations with other staff members.
  • Achievement of tasks.
  • Quality performance on site.
  • Extracting maximum output from the available resources.
  • Adoption of new techniques on-site that proves beneficial to the company.
  • Achievements on the extracurricular front.
  • Honesty.
  • Promotion.
  • The span of service (seniority).
  • Contributing services in the social welfare schemes of the organization.
  • Meeting the individual in person and acknowledging his contribution.
  • Congratulating on the presence of others during a meeting.
  • Rewarding with a gift or memento.
  • Encouragement by awarding performance certificates.
  • Inviting family members to participate in the award ceremony.
  1. In most cases, the routine nature of the work leaves little scope for further involvement. The
  2. staff-member does not come in close contact with other employees since his work does not
  3. involve them.
  4. The extracurricular activities conducted by the organization help in developing personal relations between the staff and management.
  5. It relieves the employees from the routine work and provides a welcome change.
  6. Different aspects of the employee’s personality are given opportune exposure.
  7. It puts the employees in a socíal environment.
  8. The following extracurricular activities can be conducted
  • Group discussion of the staff members on a subject other than office work.
  • Arranging games and sports for the staff members.
  • Arranging social gatherings along with entertainment programs.
  • Arranging sightseeing tours.
  • Arranging tea and breakfast sessions etc.


Planning and deciding for the future should be the main aim of the management. It should strive to improve the working system in the best interest of the organization. In this direction, it should encourage new concepts. developments and new techniques.
New innovations and techniques should be studied and put into practice to improve the quality and speed of a project.
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